You deserve to not only shine, but to know your true worth, believe in yourself and sparkle in all you do.  Do you believe in yourself? Are you making decisions for ‘you’ and moving in the direction that is fulfilling to you, personally and professionally? Build your self-awareness and recognise your strengths, abilities and gifts so you can make decisions and respond in ways that benefit you. Everything that holds you back – begins with you! 

Empowerment gives you a choice and enables you, with the power to have ownership over what you do and how you do it, including how you think, feel and respond. Through personalised coaching, you build on your self-empowerment, strengthening your self-belief, with a willingness to follow-through on your next steps or goals shifting your limiting beliefs. You build and create a life that is more about ‘you’; what you want, how you want it and with whom. Together, we will work on all the areas you see as needing focus, with me being honest about my observations, teaching you how to hold yourself to account and challenge yourself with intent.

I work with ‘you’ focusing on ‘you’, reflecting on your natural responsive behaviours, practices, thoughts and strategies that you automatically implement.  We review your conditioned thinking patterns and I support you to recognise your thought processes, body language and actions. Once you recognise your automatic responses, you can choose to manage and change them.  That is where the ultimate power sits.







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1-on-1 Coaching.

About this program

This program incorporates observation, explicit feedback and suggested techniques and strategies based on research and evidence, to apply to varying scenarios whether personal or professional.

All programs are personalised with the in-person programs on the Station, using horses as co-facilitators through the content, to help you to reflect on emotions, feelings, moods and behaviours. Horses are not necessary for all one-on-one coaching, with all programs centred around you as the client.

I work with you one-on-one on the Station or provide dual-mode delivery, alternating online sessions with face-to-face, with some clients preferring coaching 100% online.  Contact me directly below, to discuss what would be best suited to you. 

About Emma

 My awareness of other peoples’ needs is deep. Physical, emotional, and social wellbeing is the key to an individual’s ability to succeed, strengthen and grow. I purposefully design Swift FNQ’s experiential learning programs to build people ‘from within’ with a focus on emotional intelligence, mindfulness and self-awareness. My passion for neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to adapt and re-wire) has lead me to take a dive into neuroscience, weaving this applied learning into my program design and delivery. All content and theory is evidence-based with up-to date research and theories considered in all my practices to create long-lasting transformation.

My design and attitude come from my values.  Integrity, perseverance, drive, passion, and the ability to stop and listen are my key strengths.  Extensive knowledge, wisdom, skill and a direct and honest personal and trusting approach is what I bring to every relationship. Examples of these strengths include: 

  • Securing a scholarship for the Australian Rural Leadership Program through the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation
  • Chairing the Cape York Natural Resource Management (NRM) Region for eight years, and continuing into my fifth year as Chairperson of NRM Regions Australia; the national peak organisation for all fifty-four regional NRM bodies across Australia
  • In 2015, established the Conquer the Corrugations Mental Health Walk, becoming a nationally successful annual event
  • In 2017, successfully leading an export shipment of 2,300 head of cattle from Weipa to Indonesia to demonstrate to Far North Queensland how we can achieve something huge and challenging when we work together and face the obstacles head on

My qualifications include:

  • BSc (Hons) Psychology (with Law) –  De Montfort University
  • Diploma in Health and Fitness Studies – Central Manchester College
  • Graduate Diploma in Education (Years 1-10) – Queensland University of Technology (currently a fully registered teacher)
  • Equine Assisted Learning Practitioner – The Equine Psychotherapy Institute
  • Certified Brain Coach (ICF certified)
  • Mental Health First Aid Trainer

Emma Jackson is an inspiration to many, and a natural leader with a deep-seated passion for the people of Cape York.

With her can-do attitude, Emma achieves success in all that she turns her hand to. Emma’s background in psychology, her passion for people and the land, coupled with the more recent skills around equine therapy have come together to create an incredible package that results in Emma having the capacity to support others towards an empowered, positive way of living.”

Jocelyn Middleton

Manager Far North Mental Health, RFDS

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