Ponies n’ Prosecco

Girls might just wanna have fun, but as women we know that life is more complicated than that and sometimes taking some time out for yourself is tough.  It’s hard to justify the time and the money.  Self-care, self-compassion and a little self-love help builds your resilience to keep on going.  When the going gets tough we’re always first to step up but often that means neglecting our own needs. That’s why we created Ponies n’ Prosecco. 



One weekend.


Wolverton Station.


Every second month.


Face-to-face delivery.


$750 (all inclusive)

About this workshop

The weekend’s focus is to help you build social and emotional skills, provide an opportunity for you to de-stress and invest time into your health and wellbeing. The nature-based program incorporates time with animals (mainly horses), creative expression through arts and crafts with a priority for ‘you’ to get to know ‘you’ and get back in touch with the inner you. 

This program is specifically for ladies, utilising the power of the horses as co-facilitators to support the delivery. It encourages social participation and independence, enjoying a little prosecco to celebrate you after the day’s activities.  The weekend will be engaging, fun and fulfilling for you.

Group of workshop participants walking dirt road with horses
Quick Facts
  • Groups are capped at 8 to maximise your experience
  • Run over weekends between May and December
  • You are invited to arrive at 10am on Saturday, and the program finishes at 1pm on Sunday
  • All meals, drinks and accommodation are included (including your Prosecco!) 
  • Single bed air-conditioned bedrooms
  • Off the grid with 24hr power (away from mobile service)
What to expect
  • Experience calmness and improved wellbeing
  • Build skills to identify physical sensations and what they are telling you
  • Become aware of how you feel (really feel) without your thoughts getting hijacked by life-long conditioning (and understand a little more about how you have been conditioned to think)
  • Develop tools to navigate a difficult conversation
  • Build a unique strategy to resource in your environment (great tool in stressful or overwhelming situations)
  • Recognise overwhelm or stress in the very early stages
  • Take home strategies to work with the inner critic
  • Build practical tools to build on your awareness, understanding more about how you ‘are’ in a relationship
  • See how you communicate with others and watch your communication style with others
  • Understand resilience, your personal resilience and recognise your window of tolerance
  • Build tools to recognise others’ windows of tolerance and when to stop
  • Feel supported, gain information and experience a refreshing environment with peace and space
  • Build new friendships with other ladies and the horses
2023 Dates

July 8th – 9th

September 2nd – 3rd


(all inclusive).

What Next?