Fees and Refund Policy
1. Purpose
Swift FNQ has a fair and reasonable refund policy and is committed to providing a fair and transparent policy for participants with fees charged, protection of fees and refunds where reasonable.
2. Scope
The policy applies to all current and prospective participants and relates to all learning delivered by Swift FNQ.
3. Policy Statement
All participants or investors are provided with a detailed invoice, which itemises all fees and resources required for the course if fees will be negotiated prior to the invoice being sent. Online bookings will automatically generate a receipt and fees will be clear on the website www.swiftfnq.com.
4. Procedure
4.1 Financial standards
a. Swift FNQ adopts a refund policy that is fair and equitable both to the student and Swift FNQ.
b. Swift FNQ ensures that the financial relationship between the participant and/or investor and Swift FNQ is fully and properly documented, and that copies of the documentation are made available to them prior to participation. Information includes code of conduct, program fees and refunds, program delivery, complaints standards and other policies.
4.2 Program Fees
Swift FNQ will endeavour to provide fair and equitable fees and charges in a transparent and open manner. Unless negotiated prior to participation, full cost of the fees must be paid to Swift FNQ prior to attendance in individual and group programs. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have read and understood the information provided by Swift FNQ regarding fees, payments, refunds and guarantees prior to enrolling. If the information is difficult to understand, intending learners should seek advice and explanation from Swift FQ directly.
4.3 Issuance of Certification Documentation
Swift FNQ will issue certification documentation to a learner who has attended for the full duration of the program in which they are participating. This documentation will be accredited to Swift FNQ.
4.4 Learning Resources
At the commencement of the program, Swift FNQ will provide students with the required learning resources and materials. Students are requested to safely secure these learning resources.
4.5 Fee Payment and Conditions
Full Payment is required prior to the program or session commencement date, unless negotiated otherwise. All group program fees are non-refundable unless negotiated with Swift FNQ. If learners choose not to continue the duration of the program after commencing, fees are forfeited and are non-transferable. Applicants review and consent to the refund policy in the booking process.
4.6 Cancellations & Refund of Fees
Notice of Withdrawal
All cancellations, requests for changes to fee payment or attendance must be made in writing and sent to: [email protected]. For individual sessions, to avoid being charged 100% of the cost, Swift FNQ request the following written notification of cancellations.
- Individual consultation/supervision sessions: Notice of 48 hours
- Weekend Workshops: Notice of 7 days
Swift FNQ reserves the right to make any reasonable changes to any events, programs, or consultations and may cancel, reschedule or change an event if the number of bookings is low. In the event of any changes, a full refund will be provided and participants will be contacted at the earliest opportunity using the contact information supplied at the time of booking. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure these details are accurate and to regularly check emails for any notification of changes.
4.7 Special Circumstances
Withdrawing from a program due to certain circumstances is negotiable. Some circumstances making it impracticable for learners to complete the program. This may include:
a) family circumstances, for example death or severe medical problems within a family, or unforeseen family financial difficulties, so that it is unreasonable to expect a learner to fulfill attendance, or:
b) unforeseen medical circumstances – for example where the learner’s medical condition has become serious or dire and unforeseen medical circumstances deem study no longer practical.
An application for a refund under special circumstances should be made in writing immediately and decisions will be finalised within two weeks of receiving the request. The application should include any independent supporting documentation such as a letter from the doctor or counsellor to support the claim. Each application will be examined and determined on its merits. Swift FNQ will consider the claim, together with any independent supporting documentary evidence that substantiates the claim.
5. Person(s) Responsible
The Head of Learning and Curriculum Design is responsible for the control and issue of this policy.
(This may be delegated).