Leading beyond Leading




One weekend.


Wolverton Station.


Every 2nd month.


Face-to-face delivery.

About this workshop

The focus will allow you to see more of what you bring to an interaction or relationship, how you approach others and you will understand what might not be working for you in your conversations or requests.  Empathy is critical in getting the outcome you want and you will become skillful using empathy as a tool.  Learn how to say no without really saying no (at home or work).  You will also recognise feelings of discomfort in yourself and learn to use these as a strength.  Confidence has become something we seek or ‘think’ we need.  This program will teach you more about what confidence really is (and is not).

Who is this weekend for?

This program is designed for anyone looking to build on those skills above, utilising the power of the horses as co-facilitators to support the delivery. It encourages social participation and independence, enjoying being surrounded by nature, cattle and away from life’s pressures at home.  The weekend will be engaging, fun and fulfilling, celebrating with a refreshing cool drink afterwards.

Quick Facts
  • Groups are capped at 8 to maximise your experience
  • Run over weekends between July and December
  • You are invited to arrive at 10am on Saturday, and the program finishes at 2pm on Sunday
  • All meals, non-alcoholic drinks and accommodation are included
What to expect
  • Experience calmness and improved wellbeing
  • Build skills to identify physical sensations and what they are telling you
  • Develop tools to negotiate in any conversation
  • Learn more about where you ‘aim’ and where you should be ‘aiming’ (be it at home or professionally)
  • Build a unique strategy to resource in your environment (great tool in stressful or overwhelming situations)
  • Recognise the strategies you are currently using in communication and learn whether they need to improve
  • Build practical tools to build on your awareness, understanding more about how you ‘are’ in a relationship
  • See how you communicate with others and watch your communication style through your own eyes
  • Develop a more skilled approach to asking and receiving 
  • Feel supported, gain information and experience a refreshing environment with peace and space
  • Build new friendships with others and the horses
2023 Dates

July 6th – 7th

September 16th – 17th


(all inclusive).

What Next?